
2014 was a time of raw vegans, tumblr, and the iPhone 5. I was in my second year of high school and my mind was fully preoccupied - I was absolutely desperate for those pompom earrings that all the cool festival girls had. Being in grade 9, there was absolutely no way for me to afford them, so I strutted down to spotlight to get earring hooks, a feather boa and a glue gun. I made about 10 pairs on my living room floor in the brightest colours you can imagine and posted them on my personal Instagram.
Pretty soon girls at school wanted to buy them. At this stage I was making 15-20 pairs of pompom earrings per week and dealing them out of my locker and in the hallways for $10 a pop. Business was booming until a teacher found out about my earring dealership empire and shut me down.
Things got a bit more serious after that. I began pulling all nighters to make hundreds of choker necklaces, taught myself how to sew, and set up an Instagram page. The school even let me hold a stall one day, where to my complete surprise, about 300 girls rocked up and the whole thing sold out. That weekend, the Courier Mail slapped me & my pompom earrings on page 21.
I've grown up a bit since then. I have a big girl university degree, moved out of home, travelled, dated some boys, and made a heap of new friends, some of them who I am lucky enough to work with. I dabbled around with business ideas, names and concepts and none of them really stuck til now.
My dream is to make sure my pieces live great, crazy lives. If you nab yourself a discotonic piece, wear it everywhere, wear it often, wear it when you're happy, wear it when you're sad, wear it while you dance, swim, drink milkshakes, and go to dinner. Make it your own.
For absolutely any questions, please email me at info@discotonic.com. I'd love to hear from you :-)
lots of love,